Copyright Disclosure
Please note that post ideas and printable pdf files are for personal and small classroom use only, and we hope you enjoy using them!
Feel free to share the projects you have made on social media but please do always tag @villagetacklecrafts (Facebook), @villagetacklecrafts (Instagram) and #villagetacklecrafts Thank you!
All text, images and photographs are copyright Nicholas Gomez at Village Tackle Crafts and Village Tackle LLC. Please do not alter or edit our images or photographs. If you’re reposting our images on social media, always credit the source.
Any commercial redistribution or resale of photography, files or content is strictly prohibited. Do not use as part of commercial displays, editorials and events without licence and written permission. If you have a proposal please contact sales [at] villagetackle [dot] com.
Can I use a photo & link back to one of your posts?
If you are a blogger, please contact me to request permission to use one photo (excluding tutorial images), with a clear link back to the original source. I’d love it if you could make the image itself link back to the original post as well. And I will thank you so much for the feature!
Feel free to include a brief teaser summary of the post if you like, but please don’t ever reproduce the post in full, large portions of the post, or list the tutorial steps.
Technical stuff: please don’t ever crop or edit my photos without permission, including removing the watermark. (And also, whilst not essential, adding nopin=”nopin” to your image html is totally awesome, as it encourages people to click through and pin from the source.)
Disclaimer & Disclosure
Village Tackle Crafts blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. Any paid or compensated content will be clearly distinguished as such. All opinions are, and will always be, my own.
Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog also publishes affiliate links. An affiliate link means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through my link, without any extra cost to you. (Thank you for your support!)
If there are any other questions, please let me know! I love questions! I try to answer every one, and the best ones might end up on this page or as a blog post. Just bear in mind that it might take me a few days (or weeks) to get back to you. Sometimes the joys of day-to-day life gets in the way of the operations of Village Tackle Crafts.
Best Fishes,
Nicholas Gomez and